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Mother Goose Read to Me Partners 

Babies and their caregivers receive free, new, age appropriate board books and a flyer describing the benefits of reading to babies. Volunteers either give books directly to families or provide books to the agency for staff members to distribute.

Birthright is a nonprofit charitable organization that provides love and support to women facing unplanned pregnancies. We
provide books to be included in a layette box for new mothers and a selection of books for babies up to two years old.


Community Events – Our volunteers attend a variety of events sponsored by Townships, Parks and Recreation and various
social service and health care agencies. We give a book to each baby attending the event.

Community Health and Dental Care is a non-profit health center that provides primary care medical and dental services to all
regardless of insurance status. Our volunteers give books to children as they or their family members arrive for their visits.


Community Health – OB Prenatal and obstetric care is provided to pregnant women. Our volunteers give books to
expectant mothers at their scheduled checkups.

Diaper Bank at St. Paul’s UCC – The church volunteers give diapers and wipes to families with infants and very young children.
Our volunteers offer a choice of book for each child receiving diapers.

Family Services serves families in poverty and crisis. Seven caseworkers serve 72 children from birth to two years. We provide a new book in English or Spanish each for each child every month.

Maternity Care Coalition works to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women and parenting families, and enhance
school readiness for children 0-3. Our volunteers read books to children during socialization sessions. Each child is given a book.

Pottstown NAACP donates new books that Mother Goose Read to Me volunteers take to several of our partner locations and give to children who are older than the infants we primarily serve. With the goal of improving literacy, the Pottstown NAACP Road to Reading program gives books to disadvantaged local children, ages 0 to 8.

Pottstown Regional Public Library – The library has a robust schedule of events for children of all ages. We host a "Lap Sit
Story" half hour weekly for babies ages birth to two years. New books are given at two sessions per month.

WIC- The Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program promotes the health of women, infants and children by giving food and nutrition education. We provide a supply of books for babies birth to two years.

YMCA provides daycare for children in the Pottstown area. We provide a new book monthly for children ages 6 weeks to two years

YWCA has affordable or free daycare for children in the Pottstown area. We provide a new book monthly in English or Spanish
for children up to two years old.

© 2015-2024 Mother Goose: Read to Me Corporation

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